Course Offerings

Core Subjects


  • A study in English Language Arts enables students to use language confidently and competently in a variety of situations for communicating, personal satisfaction and learning.  Students become confident and competent users of language arts through many opportunities to listen and speak, read and write, and view and represent in a variety of combinations and relevant contexts.


  • The Mathematics Program at Olds High School provides all students with a strong foundation of knowledge, processes and problem-solving strategies.
  • For a complete and updated list of post-secondary requirements go to

Social Studies

  • The purpose of the Social Studies program is to help students develop the key value, attitudes, knowledge and understanding, skills and processes necessary for students to become active and responsible citizens. The programs concentrate on enabling students to develop an understanding of who they are, what they want to become, and the society they want to live in. 


View Course Handbook


Biology 20                        5 credits

Biology 20 is an academic course focused on the study of living things. A significant portion of the course includes a detailed study of the circulatory, respiratory, excretory, immune and digestive systems. The second unit, biochemistry, involves the concepts of photosynthesis and cellular respiration in a very thorough way. The last unit is ecology, and will include the topics of biogeochemical cycles, biomes, biodiversity and evolutionary forces.

Chemistry 20                    5 credits

Students will build on knowledge obtained in the Chemistry unit of Science 10 throughout this course. Three major outcomes will carry on throughout the 4 units of the Chemistry 20 course:

  1. Use atomic theory and the periodic table to classify, describe explain, and predict the properties of elements.
  2. Use atomic, ionic, and bonding theories to describe, explain, and predict the properties and chemical formulas for compounds.
  3. Use reaction generalizations to describe explain, and predict chemical reactions.
  • Unit A: The Diversity of Matter and Chemical bonding – Students will describe the role of modeling, evidence, and theory used in explaining and understanding the structure, chemical bonding, and properties of ionic and molecular compounds.
  • Unit B: Matter as Gases– Students will explain molecular behavior of gases through gas laws, theories and mathematical relationships.
  • Unit C: Matter as Solutions, Acids, and Bases – Students are asked to investigate solutions, describing their physical and chemical properties, this will include describing acidic and basic solutions both qualitatively and quantitatively.
  • Unit D: Quantitative Relationships in Chemical Change– In many lab experiments, students will learn various lab skills, while being asked to balance chemical equations and indicate the quantitative relationship between reactants and products using stoichiometric analysis.

To be successful in Chemistry 20, a student should have a least 65% in Science 10, as well as very strong math skills at either the Math 10C.

Physics 20                         5 credits

Energy is the science theme common to all units in Physics 20, with change, diversity, equilibrium, matter and systems also playing a role. Energy in its many forms causes change and determines the kind of change matter and systems undergo. The major concepts allow connections to be drawn among the four units of the course and among all eight units in the two courses in the program.

Physics 20 consists of four units of study:

  • Unit 1: Kinematics
    In this unit, students investigate changes in the position and velocity of objects and systems in one and two dimensions.
  • Unit 2: Dynamics
    In this unit, students investigate causes of change in the position and velocity of objects and systems in a study of dynamics and gravitation.
  • Unit 3: Circular Motion, Work and Energy
    In this unit, students extend their study of kinematics and dynamics to uniform circular motion and to mechanical energy and power.
  • Unit 4: Oscillatory Motion and Mechanical Waves
    In this unit, students investigate simple harmonic motion and mechanical waves.
To be successful in Physics 20 a student should have at least a 65% average in Math 10C and Science 10.

Science 20 (5 credits)

(Prerequisite: Science 10) This is an Applied Science course that is recommended for a Career Preparation Credential. This course focuses on the how of science rather than the why. Science 20 uses examples from everyday experiences to examine concepts. The science topics include geology, biology, chemistry and physics.

Science 24                        5 credits

Science 14-24 is a course designed to make the study of science and technology more meaningful to students and more relevant to their everyday lives now and as citizens of the future. The two course sequence satisfies the science requirements for the General High School Diploma. Topics include.

  1. Body Systems   
  2. Disease
  3. Household Science
  4. Energy Consumption
  5. Investigating the Environment
  6. Materials We Use
  7. Understanding the Technology
  8. Safe Transportation

Biology 30                       5 credits

This is an academic course with a Diploma Final Exam worth 50% of the student’s grade.  The first part of the course continues the study of Anatomy and Physiology of the human body with development of the nervous, endocrine, and reproductive systems.  The second part of the course focuses on the biochemistry of human cells with the study of cellular knowledge leading to an understanding of protein synthesis, cellular reproduction, and genetics.  The final section of the course summarizes and applies the knowledge of genetics to populations and ecology.

Chemistry 30                             5 credits

This is an academic course with a Diploma Final Exam worth 50% of the student’s grade.  The themes of systems, energy, and change are central in Chemistry 30.  The components of a system influence each other by the transfer of energy and matter, changes to one part result in changes to other parts of a system.  In Chemistry 30, we explore the nature of organic compounds, electrochemical changes in reactions, thermochemical reactions and equilibrium in acid and base systems.

Many of the concepts learned in Chemistry 20 will be used and expanded upon in this course.  Chemistry 20 is a prerequisite for Chemistry 30.

Physics 30                         5 credits

The diversity of matter and energy are the predominant themes of the Physics 30 course. Physics 30 consists of four units:

  • Unit 1: Momentum and Impulse:
    In this unit, Newton’s second law of motion is linked to concepts of momentum and impulse.
  • Unit 2: Forces and Fields:
    In this unit, students investigate electric and magnetic forces and fields and their applications in technological devices.
  • Unit 3: Electromagnetic Radiation:
    In this unit, students study the nature and characteristics of electromagnetic radiation (EMR), using the wave and photon models of light.
  • Unit 4: Atomic Physics
    In this unit, students study the development and modification of models of the structure of matter.
Physics 20 is a prerequisite for Physics 30.  Math 20-1 is also a suggested prerequisite.

Science 30 (5 credits)

(Prerequisite: Science 20 or another 20 level science course)
Major themes in this course are systems and energy. As a diploma exam course, this course provides non-science majors with a science course that is accepted by post-secondary institutions. Students are provided with a solid background in science literacy. Applied science is emphasized.


Physical Education

The aim of the Physical Education Program is to enable individuals to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to lead an active, healthy lifestyle. The program emphasizes active living, with a focus on physical activity that is valued and integrated into daily life. Successful completion of Physical Education 10 is required to obtain a high school diploma.

Strong evidence exists that physical activity contributes to the overall well being of individuals. People of all ages can substantially improve their health and quality of life by including a moderate amount of physical activity into their daily routines. Participation in physical activity contributes to physical, mental and social well-being providing benefits to the individual and the community. 


Fine Arts

Music - We offer credited courses in the following areas: Band 9, Band 10, Band 20, Band 30, Choir 10, Choir 20, Choir 30, Jazz band 15, Jazz Band 25, Jazz Band 35, Guitar 10, Guitar 20, Guitar 30. We do not offer any beginner band classes; students who enter Band 9 require a minimum of 3 years band prior to entry into the class. 




Career and Technology Studies (Digital Technologies)
Career and Technology Studies (Trades)
Career and Technology (Fashion)
Career and Technology Studies (Foods)   

  • CTS Foods is a very practical, hands-on course that allows students to explore the world of foods and their preparation and nutrition.  Each level of Foods, 10, 20 and 30 are 5 credits.

Second Languages (French and Spanish)

Off-Campus Education 

  • Through Off-Campus Education (OCE), students have the opportunity to extend their learning outside the classroom by spending part of their school day in the workplace learning about and participating in meaningful work.  OCE includes Work Experience, Green Certificate, and the  Registered Apprenticeship Program (RAP).

Registered Apprenticeship Program (R.A.P.)

  • Students with an interest in pursuing technical programs requiring apprenticeship may register in these courses in grade eleven or grade twelve. They must consult with the principal prior to selecting these courses in order to learn the program requirements. Opportunities exist for students pursuing work in any approved trade. Entry into the RAP program can begin the summer after grade 10 is completed.

Registered Apprenticeship Protocol

Other Programs


  • The Kaleidoscope Program is a Student Support Program at Olds High School. It is an alternative program designed to provide students with extra support to help them achieve success in school.

Dual Credit Programs


French Immersion

  • visit our French Immersion page for more information.