Unique to Olds High

Quad Learning Communities

UNESCO Associated School Network

École Olds High School is a member of the UNESCO Associated Schools Network.  We strive to create a culture of peace in our school, our community and our world by emphasizing UNESCO Ideals :  Learning to Be, to Know, to Do and to Live Together through the UNESCO Associated School Network Themes :  Inter-Cultural Education, Human Rights Education, Global Concerns and the Role of the UN and Education for Sustainable Development in all areas of our school.

As a defender of human rights, we support fair trade in our classrooms and at school events.  Fair trade is a way of doing business with people in the global south that ensures producers of many of the products we rely on, such as coffee, chocolate, bananas, sugar, spices, and artisanal products, earn a living wage and realize gender equality.  Children are able to go to school and are not exploited or used as slaves,  the environment is  respected and communities decide on their own economic and community development.  This is international development at its best - culturally appropriate and people empowering.  Look for this international gold standard mark and change the world through your purchases.

 In the words of Martin Luther King  
“Without Justice, there can be no Peace” 

Fitness Memberships

Students at École Olds High School have the option to purchase a fitness membership for $100.00  This membership is valid from September 1 to August 31.

  1. Fitness membership forms are available at the Olds High School office.
  2. Payment can be made via one of the 2 options below:

    OPTION #1- Paying online
    1. You can go on your Online Payment -
      https://www.studentquickpay.com/chinook/ and manually add a membership to your fees.  You will see a button to add this.

        OPTION #2- Paying at the office

    1. You can come to the École Olds High School office and pay the membership fee of $100.00 (Debit and Credit are accepted as payment)

  1. Bring your form to the École Olds High School office and Jody, Lori or Rose will fill out their part of the form.
  2. Take the form up to the CLC and get yourembership card.


Fitness Center Link