Jody Rice

Administration Support
Phone: 403-556-3391 Ext 4601
I am happy to be back at Olds High. I grew up in Olds and I am an Olds Grad myself, I won't mention which year.
I couldn't ask for a better team to be a part of. You will find me in the office, where I am working as an Admin Assistant to a fabulous team of administration, teachers and students. Prior to coming to Olds High, I worked as an Educational Assistant at the Olds Elementary School. Change can be hard, but this change has been such a blessing. Being in the high school enviornment is where I feel I am truly meant to be.
I have 2 daughters. One is in University and the other one is currently taking a gap year. My days are spent chasing them up and down the highway and watching them play sports.
"You can't always get what you want. But, if you try sometime, you find you get what you need." —The Rolling Stones